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Cherokee Community Schools

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Environmental Science Learning About Mining Earth's Materials.

April 23, 2024

CWHS Students in Ms. Johnson's Environmental Science class are learning about mining Earth's materials. We used muffins as an example for the host rock and the blueberries or chocolate chips as the mined materials. Students discussed their different methods to mining by only attempting mineral recovery from the surface to preserve the muffin to eat later, or to mine the most possible materials but only left with hard to eat crumbles - this activity came from SERC and UNL.

Cherokee Elementary School

206 E. Indian Street
PH: 712-225-6760
FX: 712-225-4202

Cherokee Middle School

208 E. Indian Street
PH: 712-225-6750
FX: 712-225-4841

Cherokee Washington High School

600 W. Bluff Street
PH: 712-225-6755
FX: 712-225-6757