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Mrs. Anderson's Biology Class Practices Scientific Method

September 10, 2024

Students in Mrs. Anderson's Biology class have been designing their own inquiry investigations to practice the scientific method. They have written their own questions, hypotheses, and then written instructions to test their claims for three different labs so far using open inquiry methods. They analyzed their data and submitted formal lab reports with tables, graphs, and their conclusions.  Shown in the pictures are students performing the hand washing/bacteria lab, and the living organism behavior lab to investigate and experiment in order to answer their specific question about these topics. All students were engaged and were actively doing science! We will continue practicing the processes of doing science by designing experiments regarding memory and music coming up in the next few days.

Cherokee Elementary School

206 E. Indian Street
PH: 712-225-6760
FX: 712-225-4202

Cherokee Middle School

208 E. Indian Street
PH: 712-225-6750
FX: 712-225-4841

Cherokee Washington High School

600 W. Bluff Street
PH: 712-225-6755
FX: 712-225-6757