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Physics Class Taught by Mr. De Vos Test Projectile Motion

October 07, 2024

Students in the Physics class taught by Mr. De Vos were able to get some hands-on experience in testing with projectile motion.  In order to examine the relationship between the X and Y components of motion, fruit was both dropped and thrown horizontally from the roof of the high school auditorium.  Students then tracked the free-fall times and used this data to look for patterns.  At the end, the calculations proved that the X and Y components of motion are independent of each other.  WAY TO GO BRAVES!!!

Cherokee Elementary School

206 E. Indian Street
PH: 712-225-6760
FX: 712-225-4202

Cherokee Middle School

208 E. Indian Street
PH: 712-225-6750
FX: 712-225-4841

Cherokee Washington High School

600 W. Bluff Street
PH: 712-225-6755
FX: 712-225-6757